Catechesis on the Year of faith
Transmitting the faith is not
done in words only; it requires a relationship in prayer with God, which is
faith-in-action. The liturgy, with its proper pedagogical elements, plays a
decisive role in the formation of this relationship in prayer, because the one
who instructs is God himself and the true teacher in the ways of prayer is the
Holy Spirit.
The IV Ordinary General Assembly
of the Synod of Bishops acknowledged the increased in number and dedication of
catechists, that catechesis is a gift of the Spirit and that the Church has
devised methods in transmitting the faith which lead people to a personal encounter
with Christ.
The Synod on catechesis was
intent on not losing past benefits and values which sought to guarantee a
systematic, integral, organic and hierarchical transmission of faith. The Synod
reproposed two basic instruments for transmitting the faith: catechesis and the catechumenate. In this manner, the Church actively transmits the
faith, sowing it in the hearts of catechumens and the catechised so as to make
their experiences particularly fruitful. The profession of faith received by
the Church, which sprouts and grows in the catechetical process, is, in turn,
re-given, after being enriched with the values of different cultures. In this
way, the catechumenate essentially becomes a centre of growth in catholicity
and the seed-bed of ecclesial renewal. (No. 14)
The Local Churches: Agents of transmission
The agent for the transmission of
faith is the entire Church which manifests itself in the local Churches, where proclamation, transmission and the lived
experience of the Gospel are
realised. The local Churches, besides performing this task, are also the fruit
of this activity of proclaiming the Gospel and the transmitting the faith, as
seen in the experience of the first Christian communities. The fundamental
identity of each Christian community as described by the Second Vatican
Council, is that “This Church of Christ is truly present
in all legitimate local congregations of the faithful which, united with their
pastors, are themselves called Churches in the New Testament. These are the new
people called by God in the Holy Spirit...”
Considering the gifts and
positive expectations, we must also note the challenges which many local
Churches face as a result of a new situations and various developments. The
scarcity of priests makes their activity less incisive than desired. The
general state of weariness and fatigue of many families undermines the role of
parents. The lack of common sharing in this evangelising task limits the
influence of the Christian community and endangers that the important and
fundamental task will fall upon the catechists alone, who are already feeling
the burden of the task entrusted to them and the loneliness in doing it. (No.
Source: The New Evangelisation
for the Transmission of Faith, Paulines Publications Africa, 2012
I like the term "Faith in Action" in our world today, what we need is not only faith, but a witness of life to show this faith